Roméoet Juliette
法兰西喜剧院艺术总监艾瑞克·鲁夫(Érif Ruf)担任了本版复排导演兼舞美设计,他选择了雨果儿子弗朗索瓦·维克多·雨果的法语译本,朗朗上口;大块的大理石墙壁构成了简洁又冷峻的布景,与充满躁动荷尔蒙气息的故事形成强烈反差;服装设计大师克里斯蒂安·拉克鲁瓦(Christian Lacroix)的加盟使得此版呈现更具法式气质。
An old rivalryopposes the Capulet and Montague families. When Romeo Montaigu and JulietCapulet fall for each other, they know their love is meant to be eternal.However they already sense its tragic ending…
Rarely staged inFrance, William Shakespeare’s classic made its return to la Comédie-Françaisein 2015 for the first time in about 50 years. Ruf’s take on the play remains asclose as possible to Shakespeare’s original masterpiece, in a “Southern Italy wherethe sun hits town squares and heats up people’s minds. (…) An Italy of vendettawhere vengence, death are inherited from a generation to the other…”.
Érif Ruf is alsoresponsible for the scenography of the play and collaborated with ChristianLacroix, a regular at la Comédie-Française, as costume designer.